
Terms and Conditions


Your email address will be kept private and only be used for verification, to reset your password, and to receive critical information about your account. You will not be sent spam, advertising, or promotional content.

Forgotten Passwords and Locked Accounts

You can reset your password using a verified email. An unverified email will not be able to reset a password. After 5 failed attempts to sign in accounts are automatically locked for security reasons and the password must be reset. Passwords are encrypted and it is impossible for site staff to access them. The only way to access an account that has been locked or has a forgotten password is using a verified email address.


We have implemented a password requirement of at least 6 characters. But it is recommended users use long passwords with a mixture of letters, numbers, and symbols.

Content Restrictions

This site has several places in which users can post custom content for everyone to see. Content posted on this site may not include commercial spam or advertising without prior permission. Content may not contain hate speech, discriminatory content, or bullying. Content may absolutely not violate United States law. Content in violation or any content at the discretion of site staff may be removed and further action may be taken.


Your username, title, or biography may not be used to attempt to impersonate site staff or violate other terms and conditions. Your username may be changed by site staff or your account may be deleted.


This site includes some games of chance. The rewards of which hold no monetary value. It is not permitted for users to exchange real currency based on their outcomes.


This site uses one cookie. The purpose of this cookie identify which user is signed in so that you don’t have to sign back in every time you visit a new page. This is a common practice and does not track any of your private information.


When signing in the following information is recorded: your account ID number, your IP address, information about your browser, a timestamp, and whether the correct password was entered (yes/no). This helps us to identify any malicious activity and keep your account safe.


All material displayed on this site including but not limited to images, written content, and code are copyrighted intellectual property. None of these materials may be republished, sold, rented, licensed, reproduced, or duplicated without permission unless otherwise stated.


Images or other content may not be embedded anywhere else without permission.

Disruptive Actions

Using any kind of exploit for any reason, using the site in an unintended way, or any further action that causes a disruption to the normal operation of the site: may result in removal of in-game assets and/or deletion of user accounts and/or other measures taken against the user depending on the severity of the offense.

Bug Bounty

Users that identify and report typos, potential exploits, or security concerns will be rewarded with exclusive in-game content.

Updates to These Terms

These terms may be periodically updated. You will be notified when such changes occur.